
"Tuner" of Brain Waves!


Neurovegetative stimulation is a method that improves health levels and treatment quality, incorporating two highly effective treatment methods: chromotherapy and audiostimulation. The module uses individualized pulsing sound and light signals to elicit specific emotional responses and states in a person. The choice of program is made based on the desired goals (concentration, relaxation, meditation, creativity, etc.).

NeuroStim is a method that enhances health levels and treatment quality through chromotherapy and audiostimulation. The module can only be used in conjunction with an interface unit.

The module can:

  • Enhance and improve memory
  • Increase intellectual level
  • Improve physical endurance
  • Enhance mental activity
  • Increase creative potential
  • Create conditions for maximum knowledge absorption
  • Improve perception
  • Balance psycho-emotional state
  • Regulate and adjust sleep
  • Conduct rehabilitation after emotional or physical stress
  • Relieve psycho-emotional tension after stress
  • Improve the psychophysiological condition of athletes, aiding in rational preparation for competitions
  • Assist in conducting breathing sessions and meditations
  • Help relax and recharge energetically


Principle of Operation

NeuroStim includes two highly effective methods for body recovery: Chromotherapy and Audiostimulation.

Chromotherapy is the prevention and treatment using color. Each color has a specific effect on a person's psycho-emotional and physiological state.

Audiostimulation involves listening to and stimulating brain rhythms in specific quantities and combinations, allowing the brain's electromagnetic wave activity to reach a harmonious state.

It is well-known that the human brain generates electrical impulses known as brainwaves. The frequency of these impulses is measured in hertz. The dominant frequency of brainwaves determines the general state of the brain, with different areas producing varying amounts of beta waves while others emit impulses at different frequencies. Human brain activity can be categorized into six main types of rhythms: delta, theta, alpha, sigma, beta, and gamma.

This module supports both Light and Sound functions. It includes 64 basic programs designed for relaxation and creating specific states of consciousness. This is achieved through the effects of rhythm, pitch, musical intervals, as well as sound and kaleidoscopic effects of light stimulation. To enhance the speed of recovery, the module employs the adjustment of basic programs with the subject's own frequencies.

The NeuroStim module uses pulsing sound and light signals to achieve specific emotional responses in a person, whether it be energy activation, a meditative state, or drowsiness.

The main programs, which are further divided into numerous sessions, include: Relaxation, Meditation, Sleep, Learning, Energy Recharge, Creativity/Visualization, Leisure/Entertainment, Breathing Sessions, and more.



ATTENTION!!! If you wish to start sessions using this MindMachines module, you will need to sign a contract for the provision of alternative medicine services, confirming that you are not subject to:

- Any forms of seizures, epilepsy, or visual photoreactivity,
- Using a cardiac stimulation device,
- Suffering from cardiac arrhythmia or other heart diseases,
- Currently taking stimulants, tranquilizers, or other psychotropic substances, including alcohol and drugs.

If you feel discomfort or irritation from the flickering light during the session, it is necessary to stop the session immediately!



Full Body Check-Up 

  • Full Body Check-Up 
  • Proper consultation with "Monthly Nutrition Plan"
  • Allergy Identification
  • Aura check up + correction

EUR 150

Follow-up "Full Body Check-Up"

Follow-up Full Body Check-Up, comparison of 'before and after' therapy results, consultation and personal plan for the next two months.

Frequency Therapy

Frequency Therapy  - 1 session of BRT (1,5 hours)

EUR 75

Aura check up

Aura check up + correction with frequency ( bio feedback / Frequency
Compensation) + Recording healthy frequencies of the most weakened organs
onto water (without consultation )

55 EUR


With the help of
64 programs in this module, you can tune your mind to the desired state. For
example, this could include: relaxation, meditation, learning, energy
recharging, breathing sessions, etc. You can view the full list of programs on
the page dedicated to this module.

(30-60 min)

45 EUR



This module allows for the
assessment of the quantitative composition of the human body (water
content, fat, and skeletal-muscle mass), evaluation of physical fitness
and nutrition adequacy, analysis of water metabolism, as well as linear
monitoring and timely adjustment of nutrition programs in the fields of
medical practice and sports medicine.

 65 EUR



The module allows for the evaluation of the
compensatory capabilities of the autonomic nervous system. It is
essential for analyzing autonomic regulation of heart rate and for the
early detection of cardiovascular disorders.

55 EUR



This module
analyzes conductivity and
microcirculation disturbances in tissues using specific dosed stimuli.
Additionally, DynamicBIA can identify hidden foci of tissue conductivity
violations and their impact on the functional reserves of the subject
being examined.

Diagnostics + correction

 75 EUR



The module operates
on the principle of spectrophotometric analysis. It uses an infrared radiation sensor to record arterial temperatures.

method of pyrometric measurement allows for the non-invasive
acquisition of 85 parameters of the peripheral and biochemical
composition of blood, as well as hemodynamic indicators, alongside
various information about oxygen transport in the blood, the functioning
of the cardiovascular system, and interconnections with the
hematopoietic, enzymatic, and immune systems of the body. 

55 EUR 



Lithotherapy - Selection of Your Stones using frequency

35 EUR

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