About me

Welcome to my world! My name is Polina Iodis, I was born in 1978. I have two wonderful daughters, and we live in Portugal. I am a therapist, specializing in diagnostics and frequency therapy for over ten years, with extensive experience in nutraceuticals and immunology. Medicine has been a family tradition, and my journey in this field began at an early age when I first discovered the world of medical books at the age of 12.
My family has a rich medical heritage: my grandmother owned her own laboratory and conducted research, another grandmother was a nurse, great-grandmother was a midwife, father was a manual therapist for many years, and my mother had a gift for healing with her hands. These family traditions laid the foundation for my interest in medicine.
Since my teenage years, I have absorbed knowledge about alternative medicine, and after the birth of my first daughter, I encountered unexplained symptoms, which led me to delve deeper into traditional medicine and frequency therapy. The inability of doctors to provide a diagnosis prompted me to dig deeper and look for alternative solutions.
Since 2014, I have actively studied immunology and nutraceuticals. After extensive research, I acquired a frequency therapy device and completed specialized courses. I also graduated as a nutritionist, expanding my knowledge in dietetics, immunology, and mitochondrial medicine (anti-aging).
The birth of my second daughter pushed me to go even deeper. After one of her vaccinations, her development noticeably slowed down, and she began to move her hands strangely, similar to autistic manifestations. I immersed myself in topics of vaccines, autism, detoxification, and homeopathy. By working with frequencies and nutrition, I succeeded in halting destructive processes, restoring her development, and healing my older daughter's autoimmune colitis, which I initially identified using my device and later confirmed with a colonoscopy.
I have accumulated all this knowledge through personal experimentation on myself, my family, and my children. For the last ten years, I have actively taken care of my family's health and helped friends who sought my assistance.
Recently, I realized that this is my calling—something I simply cannot ignore. Although I run a business with my husband, owning a jewelry studio where I am the lead designer and company director, whenever I stop focusing on holistic practice, our business stagnates, and the children immediately become ill, prompting me to refocus my attention on medicine.
Therefore, I decided to finally embark on my journey, as I feel that all of this is part of my ancestral heritage and now is the right time. I would be happy to see you in my office. If my story resonates with you and you cannot find the root cause of your fatigue, chronic illnesses, etc., or if you want to enhance your energy potential and understand the underlying causes of your issues, I would be delighted to help you and provide recommendations.
Full Body Check-Up
- Full Body Check-Up
- Proper consultation with "Monthly Nutrition Plan"
- Allergy Identification
- Aura check up + correction
EUR 150
Follow-up Full Body Check-Up
Follow-up Full Body Check-Up, comparison of 'before and after' therapy
results, consultation and personal plan for the next two months.
150 EUR
Frequency Therapy
Frequency Therapy - 1 session of BRT (1,5 hours)
EUR 75
Aura check up
Aura check up + correction with frequency ( bio feedback / Frequency
Compensation) + Recording healthy frequencies of the most weakened organs
onto water (without consultation )
55 EUR
Lithotherapy - Selection of Your Stones using frequency
35 EUR

The module can enhance and improve memory, raise intellectual levels, improve physical endurance, enhance mental activity, increase creative potential, create conditions for maximum knowledge acquisition, improve perception, balance psycho-emotional states, regulate sleep, facilitate rehabilitation after stress (both emotional and physical), relieve psycho-emotional tension after stress, improve the psycho-physiological state of the athlete, assist in rational preparation for competitions, aid in conducting breathing sessions and meditations, and help relax and recharge energetically.

This module analyzes conductivity disturbances and microcirculation in tissues using specific dosed stimuli. Additionally, DynamicBIA can identify hidden areas of tissue conductivity disturbances and their impact on the functional reserves of adaptation of the subject being studied.

This module allows for the assessment of the quantitative composition of the human body (water content, fat, and skeletal muscle mass), evaluation of physical fitness and nutritional adequacy, analysis of water metabolism, as well as linear monitoring and timely adjustment of nutrition programs in the field of medical practice and sports medicine.

The operation of the TempoHeart module is based on the method of quantitative assessment of autonomic regulation of heart rate. By analyzing heart rate variability, it is possible to determine the overall activity state of regulatory mechanisms, the balance between the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions of the autonomic nervous system, and to assess the level of stress resilience.

The used method of pyrometric measurement allows for the non-invasive acquisition of 85 parameters of peripheral and biochemical blood composition, as well as hemodynamic indicators, and various information about oxygen transport in the blood, the functioning of the cardiovascular system, and the interactions with the hematopoietic, enzymatic, and immune systems of the body.The module operates on the principle of spectrophotometric analysis. Using an infrared radiation sensor, it registers arterial temperatures. This enables a comfortable and non-invasive assessment of more than 80 blood parameters.