What the device can do:

Everything around us has its own frequency (vibrations, oscillations, etc.). Each organ has its own healthy frequency, and when it is in this state, it can naturally restore itself.


Viruses, bacteria, parasites, and other undesirable entities also have their own frequencies. By applying opposing frequencies, we can eliminate these unwanted guests from our bodies.

We do not make diagnoses. Instead, we look for the root causes of your concerns and address them through healthy frequencies, nutrition, and the right approach to health.

We do not prescribe medications without genuine necessity but heal using frequencies, homeopathy, natural supplements, herbs, and dietetics.

After conducting diagnostics with our equipment, I combine the obtained data with my knowledge in nutrition, immunology, and my intuitive abilities. If I identify the need for additional laboratory tests, I will provide you with all the necessary recommendations. After receiving the results, we will collaboratively develop a comprehensive step-by-step recovery program.

What the device can do:

• Check all systems of the body and provide an express assessment of health status.
• Indicate the organ where a pathological process occurs and identify diseases of each organ.
• Offer recommendations for the sequence of recovery.
• Detect pathogenic microflora. Identify viruses, bacteria, and fungi. Show the localization zones of pathogenic microflora and its level of activity.
• Analyze the state of the energy field and emotional state, conduct aura analysis.
• Correct disturbances in the energy field (aura).
• Identify allergens and determine the degree of toxic impact of food additives.
• Conduct a comparative analysis after the recovery (rehabilitation) course.
• Calculate biorhythms based on physical, intellectual, emotional, and overall health parameters.
• Perform frequency compensation, bioresonance impact, and compensation for homeostasis disturbances.
• Prepare spectronozodes (antibacterial and physiological).
• Charge water or stones with healthy frequencies.
• Detect nutrient deficiencies: identify shortages of vitamins, minerals, and nutrients.
• Reveal hidden fears that affect your life.
• Analyze homeostasis: assess the ability to maintain internal balance and recover.
• Assist in combating nicotine dependence.
• Create your nutrition map for the coming month: lists of beneficial and harmful products. Identify food intolerances and determine the toxic load on organs from specific products.
• Determine the degree of harmfulness of energy and informational impact.
• Assess the degree of impact on the body from contaminants (mycotoxins, pesticides, herbicides, nitrates, nitrites, fungicides).
• Evaluate the degree of the body’s adaptation to heavy metals.
• Determine the level of body toxicity.
• Assess the level of psychological stress (fears, phobias).
• Identify hereditary predispositions to diseases.
• Point out unstable laboratory indicators in qualitative assessment.

For more information about the capabilities of additional modules, please go to the section "Our Services" - "Diagnostics & Therapy"

List of Services


Full Body Check-Up 

Full Body Check-Up  + proper consultation with "Monthly Nutrition Plan", Allergy Identification, Aura check up + correction

(2-3 hours)

150 EUR


Frequency Therapy

Frequency Therapy  - 1 session of BRT (1,5 hours)

75 EUR


Lithotherapy - Selection of Your Stones using frequency

35 EUR


Aura check up

Aura check up + correction with frequency ( bio feedback / Frequency
Compensation) + Recording healthy frequencies of the most weakened organs
onto water (without consultation )

55 EUR

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